Specialized pharmaceutical company for creating market value through experience and innovation

Stock information

Current Market Price
▲ 7,280 Net change ▲ 40
Fluctuation rate 0.55%
Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume
7,270 7,500 7,180 47,977
Price compared to the previous day 7,240 52 weeks highest 11,440
No. of listed Shares 25,802,493 52 weeks lowest 6,290
Upper limit 9,410 Market price 7,270
Lower limit 5,070 High price 7,500
Trading value 350,875,630 Low price 7,180
Par value 500 Trading Volume 47,977
Daily Stock Price
Date Closing price (KRW) Price compared to the previous day Fluctuation rate Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume
24-04-26 7,280 ▲ 40 +0.55% 7,270 7,500 7,180 47,977
24-04-25 7,240 ▲ 100 +1.4% 7,130 7,260 7,070 54,631
24-04-24 7,140 ▲ 60 +0.85% 7,160 7,230 7,050 71,081
24-04-23 7,080 ▲ 190 +2.76% 6,890 7,090 6,840 46,273
24-04-22 6,890 ▲ 400 +6.16% 6,550 6,890 6,510 115,819
24-04-19 6,490 ▼ 310 -4.56% 6,720 6,750 6,400 128,515
24-04-18 6,800 ▲ 280 +4.29% 6,520 6,890 6,520 109,257
24-04-17 6,520 ▼ 300 -4.4% 6,930 6,930 6,520 141,586
24-04-16 6,820 ▼ 350 -4.88% 7,210 7,210 6,790 136,057
24-04-15 7,170 ▼ 150 -2.05% 7,250 7,250 7,060 116,476
Daily Stock Price
Closing price (KRW) 7,280 High Price 7,500
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 40 Low Price 7,180
Fluctuation rate +0.55% Trading Volume 47,977
Market Price 7,270
Closing price (KRW) 7,240 High Price 7,260
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 100 Low Price 7,070
Fluctuation rate +1.4% Trading Volume 54,631
Market Price 7,130
Closing price (KRW) 7,140 High Price 7,230
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 60 Low Price 7,050
Fluctuation rate +0.85% Trading Volume 71,081
Market Price 7,160
Closing price (KRW) 7,080 High Price 7,090
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 190 Low Price 6,840
Fluctuation rate +2.76% Trading Volume 46,273
Market Price 6,890
Closing price (KRW) 6,890 High Price 6,890
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 400 Low Price 6,510
Fluctuation rate +6.16% Trading Volume 115,819
Market Price 6,550
Closing price (KRW) 6,490 High Price 6,750
Price compared to the previous day ▼ 310 Low Price 6,400
Fluctuation rate -4.56% Trading Volume 128,515
Market Price 6,720
Closing price (KRW) 6,800 High Price 6,890
Price compared to the previous day ▲ 280 Low Price 6,520
Fluctuation rate +4.29% Trading Volume 109,257
Market Price 6,520
Closing price (KRW) 6,520 High Price 6,930
Price compared to the previous day ▼ 300 Low Price 6,520
Fluctuation rate -4.4% Trading Volume 141,586
Market Price 6,930
Closing price (KRW) 6,820 High Price 7,210
Price compared to the previous day ▼ 350 Low Price 6,790
Fluctuation rate -4.88% Trading Volume 136,057
Market Price 7,210
Closing price (KRW) 7,170 High Price 7,250
Price compared to the previous day ▼ 150 Low Price 7,060
Fluctuation rate -2.05% Trading Volume 116,476
Market Price 7,250